18mm 2440mm x 1220mm (4×8) poplar and eucalyptus core with Birch Faces
Plywood manufactured from poplar and eucalyptus is classified as hardwood plywood, and it produces boards with exceptional strength and durability. Furthermore, poplar and eucalyptus core birch plywood for the grain structure is smooth, making it simple to apply a finish.
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The Benefits of poplar and eucalyptus core birch plywood
- Extreme bending strength
- Strong nail grip
- Moisture-resistant and simple to use
- Anti-rattening or anti-decay
- Low formaldehyde emissions
Poplar and eucalyptus core birch plywood is mostly used in interior decoration, such as families, hotels, businesses, KTV, shops, restaurants, schools, and a range of administrative areas, leisure places, sports arenas, and so on.
In China, eucalyptus is a tropical hardwood. Almost all eucalyptus veneer core plywood is two times hot pressed.
Because eucalyptus veneer is rougher than poplar veneer, eucalyptus veneer core plywood is typically laminated with a poplar surface prior to laminating decorative surfaces on top and back.
Marine grade eucalyptus core that has been hot pressed twice with WBP glue can be sold.