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Foresmate Laminate for your Kitchen

Foresmate Laminate for your Kitchen

Historically, buyers may have considered laminate to be “low

-end,” not only in terms of price, but also in terms of appearance. However, laminate has developed tremendously in terms of aesthetics and durability over the years, and it can now be used to create a high-end kitchen design.

Foresmate is a flexible plastic laminate composed of layers of treated paper that produce an exceedingly tough and impact resistant surface. This laminate is perfect for kitchen counters, tables, and cabinets because it comes in over 230 colours, wood textures, stone, and abstract designs.

There are several finishes available for one of the least expensive surface materials. Matte and textured finishes are less prone to reveal wear and tear than smoother and more polished surfaces. Laminate is stain- and impact-resistant, low-maintenance, and appropriate for vertical, horizontal, and postforming applications. It can be utilised on vanities, internal doors, contract furniture, and retail store fixtures outside of the kitchen.

The creators of Foresmate, Panolam Surface Systems, employ their own resins and an environmentally friendly manufacturing technique. The laminates are simple to clean and do not require harsh chemicals, while Foresmate distribution centres are spread around the country, decreasing the usage of fossil fuels in delivery.

Foresmate’s regular laminate is available in three grades:

Grade G48 General Purpose

Thickness nominal.048″/1.2 mm (NEMA HGS)

Most commonly utilised in horizontal areas requiring strong impact protection and a long-lasting, ornamental surface.

Postforming Grade F39

.039″/1.0 mm nominal thickness (NEMA HGP)

Typically used for countertops and other horizontal surfaces where the laminate is heated and rolled over the edge of the substrate to minimise seams.

Postforming Grade F28

.028″/.07 mm nominal thickness (NEMA VGP)

Designed for surfaces with a lower impact resistance.

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