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Edge Bands

Edge Bands

Edge Bands

Edge Bands

With matching pattern, colour, and surface quality, our edge bands complement the whole decor line. A huge step towards ensuring you obtain the entire selection without having to deal with multiple providers. Our edge-bands are available in the following sizes:


(For the entire Shresht range)

It is ideal for machining, easy to bond and trim and is available with perfectly matched decor and colours.


(For All Shikhar’s Foil Surfaced Panels)

ABS (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene) is a chlorine-free the Egger plastic edge that has a positive ecological balance. ABS Edging is made by extrusion or, for the finest thicknesses, using the calendaring process.


(For Shikhar’s Acryl Glass and Acrylic Surfaced Range)

PMMA is made of high quality plastic and is highly scratch and abrasion-resistant. The decor printed on the back of the transparent PMMA has an exceptional 3D finish.

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