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Birch Plywood vs Baltic Birch

Birch Plywood vs Baltic Birch

Despite the fact that they have the same name, Baltic Birch and conventional birch plywood have numerous major variations that can affect the strength, stability, and overall visual appeal of your next project. Learn about the main differences between normal birch and Baltic birch and which is appropriate for your needs.

Thickness of the veneer

Birch veneers are featured on the face and back of each sheet of both types of plywood. Baltic birch veneers are thicker than conventional plywood veneers, providing it more bulk and strength. Because each layer is made of Baltic birch, you can sand it down to your specifications. Standard birch plywood, on the other hand, contains thin veneers (approximately 1 millimetre thick) that cannot be sanded. Instead, when you want to paint anything or don’t want to modify the finish, regular birch plywood is an excellent choice.


Voids (holes in the ply layers) are more common in standard birch plywood. Voids can compromise the structural integrity of any project, and large holes should be closed to increase the durability of the wood. Baltic birch, on the other hand, has extremely few voids. When voids do emerge, most wood suppliers will utilise a “knockout” to replace the void with a piece of wood that is still intact. Baltic birch is more stable than normal birch because it has fewer voids.


Baltic birch is difficult to beat in terms of strength and stability. The wood contains roughly twice the number of plys as regular birch plywood, and each layer is composed of birch rather than MDF, particle board, or another sort of core.

This wood grips and retains screws tightly because it has nearly no cavities, a tougher core, and a consistent thickness throughout. This offers Baltic birch plywood the stability and strength that conventional birch plywood lacks, making it ideal for heavy-duty projects that require weight support.


When finished, Baltic birch and ordinary birch have distinct styles. Standard birch is ideal for painting, giving your piece a distinct style and colour. When stained, Baltic birch has a regular grain pattern that tends to become blotchy. Use a gel stain or dye to change the appearance of the wood. Fortunately, Baltic birch has a pleasing natural finish.

Whether exhibiting the continuous grain pattern of the face or back, or using the exposed edges to emphasise the multiple layers of Baltic birch, this provides a distinct style to any project.

More Information on Baltic Birch Plywood Grade

Do you need assistance picking the sort of birch to use for your next project? Please contact the Foresmate Plywood team! To match your needs and budget, we provide numerous grades of conventional plywood and baltic birch.

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