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Mahogany veneer

A lovely pinkish brown to reddish brown medium grain wood is mahogany veneer. A common alternative for South American mahogany is mahogany, an china hardwood with a medium density. It has a firm, somewhat porous to tight uniform grain with a texture that ranges from satiny to moderately gritty.

Flexible sheets, edge banding, and a cabinet refacing kit are goods made from mahogany veneer. The veneer sheets are offered in a variety of sizes, cuts, and backing materials, including 3MTM PSA. The edge banding is offered in unfinished, pre-glued, and fleeceback varieties.

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Mahogany plywood veneer grade catalogue


Mahogany veneer faced plywood sheet

Thin piece of mahogany veneer laid against heavy paper. High degree of elasticity, simple handling, and ready to be directly glued to any chosen surface.

Wood veneer is an excellent substitute for actual wood and has many uses. This method is effective, for instance, when updating doors, kitchen cabinet doors, or vintage furniture. Utilize veneer for a variety of additional decorative uses.

veneer It is simple to modify sheets by cutting, slicing, or punching out. After that, glue is spread across the area.

The sheet’s grain structure is usually longitudinal.

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Southern Mexico and the South American nations of Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, and Bolivia are home to American Mahogany.  Although plantation trees only reach an average height of 30 meters, they can reach 45 meters in the forest.  The trunk has a diameter of 1.2 to 1.8 meters.  Yellowish white is the color of the sapwood.  Heartwood can range in color from light red to dark red-brown.  Although mahogany veneer is typically straight grained, it can interlock, giving quarter sawn surfaces a highly prized figure.

A thin piece of mahogany wood glued to the surfaces of core panels is known as mahogany veneer. The maximum thickness of these wood pieces is usually 3 millimeters (0.1181 inches). It is frequently used in furniture construction to provide a coating, mainly for decorative reasons.

Any number of distinct types of dark-colored hardwood are referred to as mahogany. It is a common substance used to make furniture. Due to the warm tone it creates, mahogany is frequently utilized to make drums. Its grain structure is often either straight or interlaced, and it is naturally resilient.
Veneer made of mahogany can be acquired at places like furniture shops and suppliers for the woodworking industry. It could be available in a wide range of sizes, hues, and stains. Mahogany’s unusual grain structure may give furniture an attractive and refined appearance. You can buy mahogany veneer individually or you can buy furniture that already has it on it.

Specifications(Panel Size)

FacesMahogany veneer both sides, sanded,Suitable for decorative use
Thickness Tolerance±0.2mm
Surface TreatmentPolished/Non-Polished
Moisture Content6%~9%
Glue emission levelE0, P2, WBP,MR

Mahogany Plywood Core Construction

Thickened poplar birch core

Eucalyptus core

Birch core

Poplar core

Mahogany veneer